• Help Center
  • Simple to Get

  • The simplest way to get a brand new SSL Certificate is straight from your very own Website Control Panel. You do not have to create a fresh account with one more supplier and lose time waiting for days to weeks for the SSL to become made – everything happens in seconds.

  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Install

  • On the condition that your domain name is hosted with us, you’ll be able to opt to have your brand new SSL certificate instantly set up. The intelligent system will process all the labor and you won’t need to make any kind of manual installs.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • 24x7 Support

  • If you’ve got an issue or require help whilst setting up your SSL certificate, we’re available for your needs. The 24x7 support consists of proficient tech specialists and it’s available 24x7. And moreover, the typical reply time frame is lower than 20 minutes.

SSL Prices

Swipe left & right to view all SSLs
SSL 1 year
Regular SSL $19.00
Wildcard SSL $109.00

SSL with Million Dollar Hosting

If you are searching to immediately get an SSL certificate for your personal website, then your search is over. At Million Dollar Hosting, you can get yourself your new SSL certificate from your own hosting control panel, never having to search for a third–party web site. If your primary site is hosted within the same account, additionally, you can get your SSL certificate applied instantly. Not any manual installation or configuration are necessary from you.

We have a long collaboration with some from the primary SSL Certificate companies out there in order to present you with SSL that aren’t just effortless to configure, but, in addition genuinely protected. Our SSL comes with a proper 2048–bit encryption and, furthermore offers a $10 000 USD warranty.

Further than the regular SSL, at Million Dollar Hosting in addition, we deliver Wildcard SSL. They can be genuinely helpful if you would like protect a wide range of host names at a time. When using your Wildcard SSL certificate, you are able to give protection to a multitude of hostnames, and never have to get yourself a different certificate for every single of them.

You can order an SSL certificate anytime with all the web hosting services we offer – shared hosting plans, semi-dedicated hosting plans and dedicated web hosting plans.

Whois Privacy Protection

Defend the freely available data affiliated with your domain

When you register a domain, the WHOIS information associated with it, by rule, becomes immediately exposed to the public. In the Domain Manager integrated into your Control Panel, you can find a WHOIS protection option that will help you mask your private details by replacing them with our contact details.

The WHOIS protection feature is available with most of the Top–Level Domain extensions offered on our site: .com, .info, .biz, .net, .org, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .pro, .cc.

Whois Privacy Protection

Bulk Domain Registration Options

Efficiently register an array of domain names

To create a brand on the web, often you ought to register several different domain names at once – new–brand.com, new–brand.net, and so on. That’s why we offer an easy–to–use bulk domain registration interface. It permits you to register unlimited domains simultaneously.

You may use the exact same WHOIS info for each domain or fill in different WHOIS info for the domain names that you desire to register.

Bulk Domain Registration Options

24/7 Support Service

A technical support team is constantly here to assist

Having a dependable technical support staff capable to help you with any query that you may have is vital for creating a trustworthy relationship with our clients. Our company offers a 24/7 technical support service with all our cloud hosting plans. Million Dollar Hosting’s support engineers have been in the hosting field for a long time and are proficient enough to assist you with any difficulty.

In addition, we offer a one–hour tech support ticket response guarantee. In fact, our client care team representatives typically answer in less than twenty minutes!

24/7 Support Service

Simple Scalability

Instantly switch your cloud hosting package

In case you have a standalone domain name with Million Dollar Hosting, and yet you also desire to take advantage of our cloud hosting solutions, you will be able to do that at any given monent with merely several clicks. You’ll retain your Control Panel and will also be able to administer your domain names, sites and billing transactions from one location.

Moreover, you will be able to make full use of all the bonuses associated with our cloud hosting plans, including a cost–free domain registration option.

Simple Scalability

Easy WHOIS Administration

Revise your domain’s WHOIS details with simply a click of the mouse

Each and every domain name owner is required to furnish detailed and relevant registrant contact information. This is actually the so–called WHOIS info. Because it needs to be as accurate as possible, it often needs to be modified. And if you have to alter the WHOIS info for more than one domain name at the same time, this may be a really hard activity.

With the Domain Manager interface, you will be able to effortlessly alter the WHOIS info for one or multiple domains at the same time. All modifications will be reflected online almost immediately.

Easy WHOIS Administration

Multiple Domain Control

Be in charge of various domains simultaneously

From our Domain Manager, you will be able to effortlessly manage a plethora of domains from just one single location. You’ll gain access to an immense array of DNS controls and will be able to make changes to plenty of domain names at the same time.

On top of that, if you happen to also have a cloud hosting account with Million Dollar Hosting, you’ll be able to manage both your domains and your web sites from just one single location.

Multiple Domain Control

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Immediately put together location–based redirections

Using the GeoIP redirection tool included in the Domain Manager, you’ll be able to point a given language version of your website to a specific geographical region. It has an intuitive point ’n’ click interface where you don’t have to fill any code. All you have to do is fill in the place of residence of your future site visitors and the URL that you’d like to load for those visitors.

For instance, if you have a German version of your site at de.your–site.com, you need to enter it in the URL field and then choose Germany as a destination market. This way, if a visitor from Germany visits your web site, they’ll see de.your–site.com rather than your–site.com.

GeoIP Redirection Tool
  • 0.00/mo.
  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $33.49/year
  • .BARGAINS - $30.99/year
  • .CAFE - $36.49/year
  • Compare Domain Names